A nice simple episode this week that we had fun making. We simply asked people to send in their questions by video, and then we answered them. Enjoy!
If you have any questions about BOSS or would like more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
BOSS TV is a weekly show about all things Buckswood Overseas Summer School (BOSS) featuring chats, interviews, advice and tips for those who have been to BOSS, for those who are thinking about coming to BOSS, for friends and family of BOSS Legends and for those who are simply curious about BOSS.
Episodes available every Tuesday on:
The BOSS Blog: www.buckswoodsummerschool.com/boss-blog
Instagram: www.instagram.com/BuckswoodSummerSchool
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BuckswoodSummerSchool
BOSS is a British Council accredited language school for students aged 8 to 17 from across the globe. To find out more, please visit www.buckswoodsummerschool.com or contact us here.
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