The BOSS Film Club today reviewed Spirited Away, a Japanese anime film by Hayao Miyazaki. The film has won so many awards including the Oscar for the best animated feature film in 2003.
Ranked 8.6 out of 10 on imdb.com, the BOSS Film Club decided to watch and review the film, with the following points being raised:
What was the main message of the film?
- The movie was about being helpful and being kind.
What did you learn from the film?
- To help your family and all people, no matter who they are or what they have done.
- You don’t have to be big and strong to change the world.
- Do not eat like a pig.
- Do not touch or take what is not yours.
- Respect others.
To check out our review in full, please check out our video below.
Takeaways from today's session
- Tomorrow will have the first project of the week – BOSS does “TED Talks”. Yes, again! The students enjoyed it so much that they want to do it again!
A TED Talk is a showcase for speakers presenting great, well-formed ideas and we are asking students to talk for a minimum of 90 seconds and a maximum of 3 minutes.
What should you talk about?
You can talk about one of two things: Something that’s new and surprising; an idea or invention that your audience has never heard about.
A very simple idea, maybe something that your audience has already heard about but with your new idea that challenges what people may already know.
For inspiration, head to YouTube and check out the TED Talks channel where you will find the best talks and performances from the world's leading thinkers and doers. There are thousands that you could check out.
- Finally, on Friday we will have our second project of the week – BOSS TV! TV shows don't just magically appear on screens. They might look slick and seamless, but it’s because of incredible amounts of work and preparation for each episode. So why not see if we can make our own TV show? Let’s develop an idea, write a script and design the set. Let’s bring BOSS TV to BOSS Online with our imaginations and creativity.
For the BOSS TV activity, we are asking students to find their favourite piece of positive news from the week. They will then read their news as if they were a news reporter in our very own TV show!
BOSS Online English Lessons
We are also now offering online English lessons. Should you be interested but for these, the following costs will apply:
- One-to-one lessons at £25 per hour
- Group lessons at £15 per hour (maximum class size 6)
- Exam preparation classes at £25 per hour (maximum class size 4)
If you book a block of 10 one-to-one classes, you will receive one class free saving 10%.
If you book a block of 10 group lessons, you will receive two free classes saving 20%.
To find out more about our online English lessons, please click here.
BOSS Online Activities
Please remember that all online activities are completely free and that you should register here. We are now offering these online activities for the foreseeable future with next week's activities below:

For now, stay safe and have a lovely evening! We hope that we will see you all tomorrow at 13:00 (GMT)!