This week's BOSS Blog is written by Jemeala who has been both a Teacher and a House Tutor at BOSS over the course of two years. She has recently completed a masters degree in journalism which I think you will see is obvious when you read this wonderful piece.

The front door of the house is swung open letting in warm air, slices of sunlight and all the potential that comes with a new day. Music plays at full volume, snaking its way through the corridors of the house, up the stairs and under the doors as a lyrical alarm to the sleeping students. With every knock and good morning, the house begins to feel more alive. Girls run from room to room, hairdryers humming over the sound of laughter, singing and a buzz in the atmosphere.
We congregate outside, bringing life into the sleeping fields and overhanging trees above us. In the distance the tapping of footsteps and scurrying of small animals along the winding path towards our house signal a time to begin. The music blasts once again, a common theme within life at camp, but now accompanying it is the singing and dancing rehearsed religiously the night before. The painstakingly planned routine ends with all the girl’s hands entwined, forming a circle and then crashing together into a dramatic finale pierced with laughter. The best way to start your morning.
Creating a line, we run inside, and new music begins to play, girls stand proudly in the doorway of their perfectly organised bedrooms while others leap into acrobatic routines, perform card tricks or dance their way towards house points. The feeling of energy and excitement engulfs everyone as the last bedroom door closes, the music descends to quiet and the house empties.
Heading along the path, through the trees and past the old School House we reach the dining hall. Students cluster outside around picnic tables under the warm morning sun. A table tennis tournament has already begun and is drawing a crowd of onlookers. Inside, a familiar buzz is in the air. Plates clatter and bodies fly past one another towards tables heavy with food and the anticipation of a new day full of possibilities. The older boys guard the tea and coffee, standing their ground in this morning’s house points competition. Other students scheme point making plans of their own, discuss ninja tactics and decide dance moves for tomorrows performance. The competition is in full swing and the rivalry palpable.
The bell chimes, a peacock swoops from the roof and the mass of students make their way to assembly. ‘Which house is the best!?’ a question whose answer is met with an unbelievable roar of emotion and sound. The noise rises from all corners of the room where each house marks their territory, meeting in the middle in an almighty crash. Girls sit in a line kicking their legs and clapping in unison, boys stand in a huddle, arms around each other with voices echoing and bouncing solidly into a chant. The chants get louder and the kicking stronger, everyone shouts as though the sheer volume of their voices could somehow be enough to win house points. The noise is rising, and the exhilaration and togetherness can be felt from everyone. It’s time to begin the day.
Thank you very much to Jemeala for this beautiful piece of writing.
BOSS is a British Council accredited language school for students aged 8 to 17 from across the globe. To find out more, please visit or contact us here.