We have always had excellent relationships with Group Leaders who have attended BOSS, and over the years we have received some wonderful feedback from them for which we are extremely grateful. While all Group Leaders are thoroughly vetted for suitability to work in a school environment, and undergo an in-depth induction with Summer School Director Neil, they are not BOSS employees so are able to provide independent, non-biased reviews and feedback about their experiences at BOSS, so in this this three part blog series, we thought that it would be nice to share some of that feedback with you.
A "Group Leader" is an adult who helps and supervises students on their journey to BOSS and on their journey home. While they are at BOSS, they can relax and leave the rest to us.

In part two of our "Through the Eyes of a Group Leader" series, we are going to hear from one of our partners who has personally attended Buckswood Overseas Summer School (BOSS) as a Group Leader on several occasions and who has introduced a total of 155 individual students to BOSS since 2014. If you know who you are, thank you so much for these kind words!
"I can truly say that BOSS Overseas Summer School is a quite pleasurable experience for a Group Leader. The school is well organized at all levels, starting from its hands-on Director and passing all the way down through its staff. As a group leader, this is perceivable in many ways, starting out quite simply with the general atmosphere at the college. These positive vibes, which can be felt at all times (not always the norm when we talk about summer camps), are also due to the fact that students are constantly engaged and well-taken care of. From a Group Leader’s prospective this is fundamental as knowing your kids are being looked after allows you to dedicate your time to all the matters that deserve your attention.
Facilities are are well kept, and usually consist of en suite rooms in quiet areas (I have never heard any noise after 11PM). The food is served buffet style in a canteen and its quality ranges from average to actually quite good at times. The staff are helpful to Group Leaders, and Group Leader-Director meetings are held daily to ensure that any issues we have are being addressed.
Overall, staying at BOSS is a pleasurable experience and one that I would recommend to all agents and Group Leaders who want to organize a study holiday that is engaging, rewarding, and enjoyable."
Watch this space for parts three of Through the Eyes of a Group Leader. Coming soon!
If you have any questions about our new courses or would like more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Buckswood Overseas Summer School (BOSS) is a British Council accredited young learner language school for international students aged 8 to 17. To find out more, please visit www.buckswoodsummerschool.com or contact us here.
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